Hello everyone.
It appears, at long last we are seeing a light at the end of the Covid tunnel.
We are always investigating further ways to improve the Carlton Business Centre experience.
Last year we have :-
- Been awarded ‘Covid Compliant’ status.
- Extended and upgraded the car park, seating area and bin store.
- Fitted the new video door entry system.
- Fitted a touch free main door exit system.
Something however which has been of concern to us for a considerable time is both the reliability and the consistency of our ‘BT Infinity’ fibre Broadband which in theory should provide 36 Mb download speed and 8 Mb upload speed.
Checking this morning the speeds are 23 Mb download speed and 3 Mb upload speed.
Clearly the headline figure is contended throughout the industrial estate but there have been many people working from home so we are expecting loads to increase.
We have been talking to our IT people for some time regarding enabling the fibre optic cable which was installed at Carlton House by Wiltshire Air Ambulance when they were a tenant with us prior to their new headquarters being completed at Semington.
This fibre optic cable has the capability to provide extremely fast leased line broadband but as with all things in life the greater the capability the greater the cost.
We are going to be providing 30 Mbs download and 30 Mbs upload speeds to all tenants around the end of May 2021. This will be contended only within Carlton House which means that most of the time tenants will enjoy these speeds.
Carlton Business Centre will cover the substantial additional cost of this service as clearly any Business Centre must have good internet connectivity.
Another advantage would be that the SLA will be slashed from 10 hours to 4 hours. This is effectively the time BT take to respond to an outage before they have to pay compensation.
For a further fee tenants who wish to avail themselves of a faster broadband service will be able to do so as set out below.
50 Mbs £20 pcm
75 Mbs £35 pcm
100 Mbs £50 pcm
Again the above speeds will only be contended within Carlton House.
Please let us know if you would like to take advantage of this offer.
Hoping that the ending of lockdown brings you all you wish for, as always Carlton Business Centre will do its very best to help you achieve your goals.
Kindest regards
Alistair & Danielle.